This has got to be my favorite car commercial ever. I chose this as my nonverbal communication video because none of the actors say a single word. Granted the music plays a huge part in this video but the gestures, postures and artifacts used by the little kid alone made a huge impact on me. It made me want to go buy a new Passat. As you progress through the video, you can see his disappointment, frustration, disbelief and finally triumph, all through his posture and gestures. The hunched shoulders, how he drops his hands to his side when his power isn't working. Then move on to the parents, quietly spying on their charge, the raised eyebrow and grin of the dad after he helps his son triumph over the Jetta. We should all have parents like that. You can even see how proximity to an item makes it seems like the boy's power is increasing. All of this without ever even seeing his face. WOW!
Like I said before, my favorite car commercial ever, and will be for a long time. Just watching it makes me feel happy and powerful. Do you ever get that feeling? Have you a favorite commercial?
I'd love to hear about your choice.