Sunday, February 24, 2013

Non-verbal communication

This has got to be my favorite car commercial ever. I chose this as my nonverbal communication video because none of the actors say a single word. Granted the music plays a huge part in this video but the gestures, postures and artifacts used by the little kid alone made a huge impact on me. It made me want to go buy a new Passat. As you progress through the video, you can see his disappointment, frustration, disbelief and finally triumph, all through his posture and gestures. The hunched shoulders, how he drops his hands to his side when his power isn't working.  Then move on to the parents, quietly spying on their charge, the raised eyebrow and grin of the dad after he helps his son triumph over the Jetta. We should all have parents like that. You can even see how proximity to an item makes it seems like the boy's power is increasing. All of this without ever even seeing his face. WOW!

Like I said before, my favorite car commercial ever, and will be for a long time. Just watching it makes me feel happy and powerful. Do you ever get that feeling? Have you a favorite commercial?
I'd love to hear about your choice.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


This week I had trouble making a decision as to which article to read, so I read three of them.
  1. The Truth About Change
  2. Language & Society
  3. Wired Words
As I read each article, they began to touch on the same observations. Since studying foreign languages in the past, I found this very interesting. I like language and the use of words. For instance, the use of the plural--mouses--to reference the computer accessory. I still use mice when speaking of them but from the article this is no longer the norm. Technology has changed how we use our words. It has changed the actual words and created new ones for us to use. They also talked of the way our language spreads as it changes. I was surprised that middle-class groups are the group that innovate change and women among them lead the charge for change. Talk about empowerment.

One thing I hadn't heard of before was something called the Northern Cities Vowel Shift, truthfully I'm still not sure I understand what it is. I will have to do some more reading on the matter. I also learned that there are three types of language spread: the cascade, the contra-hierarchical, and finally the wave. The spread can occur faster or slower depending on our society. Languages can make us feel part of a group or perhaps superior to one another. Right or wrong, language plays apart of the world around us. I want to know more about how our choice of words limit our progress in daily life, work and the world. Do we as Americans have less power on the world stage because we no longer use proper grammar? We don't know how to effectively speak and use language? Do we really say anything at all, anymore?

I hope that after reading these three articles I will just be more aware of my choices. Maybe I'll take an extra breath before I speak. As to where or how I might use this new knowledge, that remains to be determined. Where, might be a future job after I'm done with school. It could be in the next five minutes, on the phone with my friend. The point is to learn more about myself, my choices, the world in which I live, and then apply the knowledge. I'm sure going to try.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


A stereotype is for me, a general thought or perception of a group not based on the differences within each individual of the group. For the most part, I would be stereotyped as a fat lazy chick, with no brains, that eats everything in sight, is fun at parties and can't get a job--the female version of Bluto in Animal House.

The fat part is true, I am a woman of size, and I am fun a parties when I choose to be. I really don't enjoy going to parties, I am a homebody. I enjoy my leisure time by doing absolutely nothing, some of the time, if in your mind that makes me lazy, then I'm okay with that. What is untrue is that I eat everything in sight, I'm actually quite picky and on a slightly restricted diet. Brains, I have quite a lot of them, I don't always use them to my full ability but that is my choice. I play word games and my favorite game show is Jeopardy, I'm pretty good at it too. Finally, it is true that I am currently unemployment, after almost 19 years at the same company, I was downsized by our current economy. Do I want a job, absolutely. Could I find a job, NO. Which I why I chose to go back to school, to increase my skill set and make myself more attractive in the job markets of today.

When we communicate with our friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers, somewhere in the grand scheme, a stereotype was used. It becomes harmful when we choose to use only the stereotype to make judgments, form questions, answer questions, and in general, hold a conversation. If we use a stereotype as a helpful starting point, the place where we start to find out the truth about a friend, family member, a co-worker or a stranger, it becomes a living thing meant to be adapted as we learn more about the people we surround ourselves with. It isn't just black or white, right or wrong but somewhere in the middle. If we could all be more open-minded about each other, would the world be a better place to live? Would we be more curious about each other? Would we be less afraid to talk to one another? Could we change our perceptions of those around us? Could we change ourselves and our beliefs? Some food for thought, lets think and talk about it.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


The object which represents the way I see myself is my car. My car is like me in many ways, its sort of shaped like me, its fun like me, and can be open or closed, when its wants to be. I think most of the people who know me well, that see a beetle driving down the road, think of me. I love this car, it is the most fun I have ever had while driving.  
The bug symbolizes the freedom and happiness I feel when I drive it. With the top down, I get the sun on my face, the wind in my hair and everything is open, full of possibilities.

My second object is a baby grand piano. When I was younger, Mom made me take piano lessons, until I broke my wrist a week before my first recital, and that was the end of it. Secretly, I now wish I could have gone back and continued taking those lessons. I wish I were brave enough to take lessons as an adult. I have hidden this desire from my mom and most of my friends. I'm not really sure why. Maybe its a money thing, lessons are a luxury, an expensive one, and I have more important priorities. Someday.....