Thursday, September 5, 2013

The next frontier...Digital Communications

Like the post title says, this is the next installment of A Paisley Life - Digital Communications Class.
In this class I really hope just to be able to learn more about the current technologies available to me and how to use them. It should be a fun and challenging experience. So here goes nothing.....

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Speech Self Evaluation

Well, my speech is done. I reviewed it and now realize I'm a big goof. I can put it in perspective though as I had small children in my audience who are easily distracted and can answer the questions asked in a speech. Even when no response is called for, so let's just say I spoke to my audience. With that in mind, I made good eye contact with my audience members. I used some gestures, perhaps to many, and I was moving around to much. I looked a bit nervous. I had good vocal variety and few extended pauses. I probably should have remembered to breathe a bit more throughout the speech, to just relax. 

As to research on my topic, I feel I used very credible sources even though all were from online sources. I did my best to cite those sources both in the final outline and verbally throughout the speech. I did miss a few of the oral citations during the speech. A point for improvement. My organization of my speech was good, topical with a cross of chronological touches toward the end.

I did rehearse the speech over the past few days but to much rehearsal isn't good either. As I stated earlier, I appeared nervous while giving the speech. I think I was worried that I could not hold the attention of the kids. It felt like I dumbed down my speech and told it more like a story than a speech given to a more adult audience. Even though the kids were well behaved during the entire speech. If I had to do it over again, perhaps an older audience, a bit more practice and some relaxation exercises before giving the speech. Then I would feel better about the end result. All I can truly say is I did my best, and it is what it is.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Speakers: Effective vs Ineffective

The most effective speaker I ever heard was a man who supported something called an ESOP. An ESOP stands for Employee Stock Ownership Plan. I was invited to represent my former employer at the National ESOP Convention in Washington D.C. While at the convention is where I heard this man speak. I don't remember his name but I do remember the title of his speech. It was called The Power of One. I was riveted to this man. He was charming, made good eye contact, didn't rush his delivery and was funny. He made me feel like I made the difference. The choices I made each and every day could help my company make more money. I had all the power. He was wonderful and well worth whatever salary he charged.

On the other hand, the most ineffective speakers seem to be those I currently go to school with. The problem here is nerves. If students could just take a breathe and relax, they would be much better at delivering their presentations. They also tend to avoid eye contact, repeat themselves or the same phrases and say "um" a lot. This is not to say, I am perfect, far from it. Perhaps, I have had more practice at giving speeches or doing presentations. I still get nervous but we are all in the same boat, doing the same thing and hoping all goes well. Just remember to breathe, relax and have fun. Good luck to everyone.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Speech Topic: Queen Victoria

I thought long and hard about who I wanted to give a speech on finally deciding on Queen Victoria. I chose her because she is the longest reigning monarch in British history. After watching the film Young Victoria, my interest in her increased by leaps and bounds. 

Victoria, young and unpopular worked hard to become one of Britain's most beloved monarch while increasing the holdings of the Empire. She along with husband Albert ushered Britain into the industrial age and supported the arts and sciences.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Group Project Evaluation

For this week, you asked what did I do well during this group project? My response is this brainstorming. I just kept throwing out topics or suggestions for the group name, code of conduct items and the topic for the paper. I checked my email or blackboard for responses to questions and replied as quickly as possible. I also volunteered to help edit stuff. 

As for the things I can work on to improve for future group project, communication can always be improved upon. I also have issues with procrastination and tend to put things off until they need to get done. I could also work on my research skills and then editing the information down to what is really necessary. For now, I strive to do my best in all things knowing that true perfection is unattainable.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Research I traveled back in time doing research on our topic I came across this very intriguing web site. The deeper I searched the more useful information I found. I came to realize how little we truly know about this powerful but perhaps brutal group of people. It will be fun to delve into this pool of knowledge and see what treasures will surface. I feel this is credible research because this site is there to provide unbiased information on our topic and is supported through active research on their part along with archeological support. The logo at right is also from the site listed below.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Generation.........X

From this....
I am a member of Generation X, who knew? I was born in the late sixties after the Beatles invasion and the moon shot. The Vietnam War ended, Watergate happened, Reagan was elected, drugs exploded onto the scene and a new disease called AIDS arrived. Some other events were the Challenger explosion, Chernobyl disaster, 1984 LA Olympics and eventually the end of the Cold War. There were bombings in the Middle East, a classmate's brother was stationed at the barracks in Beirut during one. She was so worried, the family could not get in touch with him, this was before cell phones. Scary times. I also remember where I was when the Challenger tragedy happened. I had just finished biology class and had walked into the common area of my dorm to see it happen live on the TV. Shock is a total understatement as to what I saw and how I felt. It was like a bad dream on a sunny day. I will never forget it.
to this in 73 seconds.

My generation is said to be very informal in style. We have a "what's in it for me" attitude. We are considered to have an identity crisis, we aren't sure where we fit in. Where do we belong? We are the first to grow up with the developing digital age. We grew up with more divorce and just more of everything. We also are very adaptable and independent. We strive for a balance between work and play. This characteristic I totally agree with, I feel my generation does try to balance all aspects of life: work, play, family, friends, love and loss. I don’t know if I agree with the fact that we are much more informal. Perhaps that is because I’m closer to the beginning than the end of this group. I grew up taught to respect and honor my elders. Please and thank you, as well as yes sir and no ma’am, were expected. As a girl, I was seen and not heard for the most part. I grew out of that pretty fast. I bumped heads with my mother on many occasions, but that could be because I was and still am a daddy’s girl.

We may be the lost generation but with all we have seen and done, the future is bright.