Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Art of Listening

I have always thought of myself as a good listener, but after taking the self-assessment quiz, it turns out I can use some practice. We all could. After watching and listening to the TED video, I chose to do the first exercise: three minutes of silence. You would think this to be an easy feat, especially since I live alone. Not true, as I relaxed in my chair, no TV or radio on, just me. I began to notice all those other sounds that I can't control, my dogs breathing, the ticking of the clock in the hall, and the wind outside the house. Silence, can true silence exist in our world of today? I do agree with the speaker that listening is a skill to be taught. Better yet a thing we all should practice doing actively. He offers us five great tips to try and practice. I think I'll try the rest of them over the next few weeks. Perhaps if I practice long enough, then in the future my understanding for complex situation will improve and there will be no more misunderstandings. I can only practice the skills and see where they take me. I've posted the TED video for you to check out. What do you think?

Go listen to the world. What do you hear?

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